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Enable Bids Farewell to Founding Director and Chair

Enable & In The Click

Con O'Brien clocks off after three year appointment

Con joined Enable in September 2013 as a founding Director and Chair. Recently reaching his three year milestone, it is now time to bid farewell to our fearless leader.

Con's contributions span start up and early development phases and include overseeing the establishment of the organisational entity structure, constitution, ACNC applications and chariable status as well as set up of the governance policies, systems and process. In addition, Con was integral in the approval of Enable's first business plan and successful application for seed funding to kick of Enable's commercial ventures in mid 2014. Most recently Con led the Board to sign off stage of the Enable 2020 Strategic Plan and IT recycling commercial venture and provided invaluable mentoring and support to Founder and Managing Director, Julie McKay.


Con has been integral in positioning our Social Enterprise as a viable and sustainable venture that in turn is assisting Enable to deliver Work Skill programs for disadvantaged community across Melbourne's north. We wish Con all the very best and a big thanks for coming on the journey with us.

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